Visual Ergonomics
Visual factors and productivity levels
One only has to look around to see how technology is being used by young and old. Movies in 3D. Smart phone technology. Interactive devices for purchasing train tickets or car parking vouchers. It seems that each day a new type of device is invented with the promise that it will make our lives easier or improve our access to knowledge.
Continue reading Dr Jennifer Long's article to see how correct lighting can increase your productivity in the workplace Read More.
As part of this visual ergonomics newsletter we have just added a "Visual Ergonomics" section to the website which we are very excited about.
Check out the Visual Ergonomic products that can help make your desk a better place to work. The Full Pdf is available for viewing on the website here.
Ergoport's Sponsorship of the Seminar on Vision, Lighting and Computers in the Modern Office Environment
Tasmanian Association of Vocational Rehabilitation Providers
Many thanks to Maree Webber for her kind words below along with thanks to the Tasmanian Association of Vocational Rehabilitation Providers and to the presenter Dr Jennifer Long (pictured), for a great Seminar and for sharing important knowledge on visual ergonomics.
"On behalf of the Tasmanian Association of Vocational Rehabilitation Providers I am writing to thank you and the Ergoport team for your sponsorship of our Seminar on Vision, Lighting and Computers in the Modern Office Environment last Friday 4 July .
Your products were of interest to all who attended; and in particular the task lighting should have captured attendee’s attention , as the presenter Dr Jennifer Long mentioned task lighting several times in the context of meeting individual user needs in a large generically lit office. She also talked about design/layout of desking in relation to lighting issues, and mentioned adjustable monitor arms in relation to users adjusting the screen(s) to their needs."
Contact Us for information on how we can help sponsor your next ergonomics event.
Some of the products we provided for the seminar were: Humanscale Element Vision LED Lights, CBS Flo Monitor Arms, 3M Privacy Filters and a Microdesk document Holder.
Seeing comfortably and clearly is not only important for workplace computer displays.
For example:
• Lighting is used in homes, entertainment and in retail environments.
• Visual displays are used in cars, movie theatres and games.
• Printed information is used for product labels, road signage and on household equipment.
• We use our eyes for leisure and sporting activities.
There are many aspects of vision which are actively researched around the world, for example:
• Visual challenges for an ageing population
• Impact of technology use on children’s vision.
• Comfort and health effects of using 3D displays.
It is essential that research keeps pace with technology to ensure that we are able to comfortably and easily use new devices which are developed. Visual ergonomics research also has important applications in product development and research findings may be incorporated into national and international standards.
Further reading...
We have provided in our Product Guides section further reading on Anti-Glare Filters and Privacy Filters, along with some comparison charts to help you decide which is best for your needs.
Our Syndromes section maybe be able to better help you understand any syndromes you may currently have and how they can be treated.
Our showroom is open Monday through to Friday from 9.00am to 5.30pm and located conveniently near North Sydney train station.
For appointment bookings please email
Yours in Health & Safety,
Jo, Brooke, Laura, Lee and Grant
Ph: 02 9929 8447
Fax: 02 9929 7040